
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Care for Your Archtop Guitar

The day has come! Your custom archtop jazz guitar has arrived, and you couldn’t be happier. You are itching to start playing it, and you can’t wait to show it off to your friends and fellow musicians. To make sure your custom archtop jazz guitar is around for a good long time, here are a few tips on how to properly care for it.

Control the Humidity
The right amount of humidity in the air can greatly benefit your guitar. Too much humidity and the wood can get damp. Too little humidity and the wood can dry out. So how do you hit that sweet note of just the right amount of humidity for your custom archtop jazz guitar? There are special guitar humidifiers out there on the market, or you can purchase an everyday humidifier. Your guitar should be at 40% to 50% humidity whenever possible.

Get a Good Case
If you plan on taking your custom archtop jazz guitar to gigs, an open-mic night or even just to a friend’s house, you will want to make sure you get a good case for it. Some people prefer hard cases and others prefer soft. But no matter your preference, sinking some money into a good case can help increase the life of your guitar. Plus, it’ll make transporting it that much easier and safer!

Keep it Polished
Depending on what kind of wood your custom archtop jazz guitar is made out of, you might have to polish it on a regular basis. You can find guitar polish on the market, and be sure to use a soft and non-abrasive cloth (such as chamois or flannel). Never use a polish that contains silicone (such as Pledge). This can hurt the finish and seep into the wood.

For more information on purchasing a custom archtop jazz guitar, call Fine Archtops at 612-366-7120 or Contact Us.